Sachs Automotive, Inc.
"The Jaguar Experts"

1816 St Johns Bluff Rd. S. Suite 104 Jacksonville, Fl 32246 Voice: 904-641-0998 E-Mail:
"Where Customer Service is an Attitude not a Department"
Parts Information
Here you will find descriptions of the different types of parts available to our customers. Unlike the dealer we have the option to choose the best part for the best price…
Genuine Jaguar Parts
Genuine Jaguar parts are those furnished by Jaguar through their dealer body. Due to the various pricing policies in use by Jaguar dealers, Sachs Automotive usually is able to sell you genuine Jaguar parts at prices below those in use at the dealer parts departments. So just because a part you need is only available from Jaguar, don't believe that you have to buy that part from the dealer!
Origanal Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Parts
OEM parts are those parts that are sold by Jaguar but manufactured by another company as a sub-contractor for Jaguar. OEM stands for "original equipment manufacture" and means that an OEM part is one made for the automaker but which is also available directly from a distributor of that part manufacturer. In almost every case, an OEM part will be identical to the same part purchased in the dealer's parts department in Jaguar packaging, but supplied to us in a generic package.
Aftermarket Parts
Aftermarket parts are parts made by other companies for use on Jaguar vehicles. There is a lot of variance in the quality of aftermarket automotive parts, so we are very careful about the quality of aftermarket parts that we install on you car. In many cases, aftermarket parts will be just as high a quality as genuine Jaguar or OEM parts but usually at a far cheaper price which allows us to repair your car more reasonably. What does this mean for you? It means that we have the option to select the best part for the best price to repair your Jaguar car, which is something that dealers are not allowed to do.